Red is the practical “can-do” energy of leaders who are willing to take action. Red can also indicate times of upheaval, change, and new challenges in life - the passionate birthing of new projects, or times of conflict requiring courage, survival, stamina, strength, and willpower. They are down-to-earth, and “no-nonsense”.

Oranges love excitement and enjoy challenging themselves to go beyond acceptable limits. They are creative, confident, and adaptable and follow the beat of their own drum. Their excellent people skills give them a special knack for knowing what people are feeling and they make things fun wherever they go. They enjoy collaboration on projects, but they are also highly independent. They often have an unusual job or career.


Tans are highly intelligent and are focused on control, logic, and attention to detail. They plan their work carefully and strategically, usually using to-do lists. Structure is very important to them; without structure and control, they can be prone to anxiety.

Yellows are naturally open and awe-inspired about what can be experienced in the world. They bring a playful approach to everything they do. Yellows enjoy intellectual conversations and love to acquire new skills and ideas. They think about the future more than most people and enjoy finding new solutions to problems. Yellows are free-spirited, energetic, and child-like. They are sensitive and optimistic, with a great sense of humor. Yellows like to live life freely and spontaneously, so they often struggle with confrontation and responsibility. Expectations and intense emotions can make them feel claustrophobic.

Greens are focused on long-term goals and future concepts. Just like plants in nature, green energy determinedly struggles to rise up, sprout and grow. They have great awareness and are goal-oriented, career-oriented, ambitious, and competitive; they don’t let go easily. They can persevere to the point of stubbornness, hoping to bend the obstacle or challenge to their will. Greens value directness, decisiveness, and clarity - don’t waste their time. Greens are highly selective about who they spend their time with and what they will spend money on. They can be impatient and critical.

Blues are sensitive, giving, nurturing, and supportive. They are service-oriented and thrive on communication and connection to others. In personal relationships, Blues are loyal and devoted and their depth of feeling inspires everyone around them to feel loved and accepted. Blues especially enjoy spending time with friends and family. Their priorities are trust, and feeling harmonious and tranquil. With their intense emotional personality, Blues laugh and cry very easily. Blues’ greatest talents are their unconditional love and their intuition. They often require periods of solitude to replenish themselves. Because of their sensitive nature, they have a hard time establishing boundaries with those they love and they tend to avoid confrontation; codependency can also be an issue.


Purples are non-judgemental, idealistic visionaries, leaders, and teachers who feel drawn to new ways of thinking and inspiring others to higher ideals to help improve the quality of life. Purples are blessed with divine intuition and guidance. They are non-conformists who see the bigger picture and delight in questioning the status quo. They see connections and messages in everything around them and actively seek out people to connect with one-on-one about their visions. Many coincidences and synchronicities seem to appear in their lives. They are unconventional, charismatic, and magnetic personalities who love to delight others, and through their own intuitive visioning, they are lighting the way for others to follow. Purples need to trust in their inspirations and visions or they can become overwhelmed.

White indicates sensitivity and a struggle to maintain harmony and balance. Energetically in the field, White can indicate mental overwhelm or exhaustion and it often intensifies, amplifies, and distorts other energies - White with green can indicate someone who has multiple choices in their life and future direction and they feel paralyzed; White with purple can indicate someone experiencing inspirational overwhelm and they are unable to focus; white with blue can indicate someone who is an empath or highly sensitive. This intensity and overwhelm indicates a need for simplicity and time to be alone to meditate, reflect, and self-nurture.