Support After a Session

Usually, after a sound therapy session clients notice that they feel deeply calm and relaxed. However, sometimes recipients may experience an integration response after a session. This means the body is releasing stress and trauma and it generally passes within 1-3 days. Possible responses can be sadness and irritability, or you may feel exhausted and lethargic – these are some possibilities, and they're all temporary.  If you do experience any of these responses, do your best to just go with the flow, really nurture yourself and let go of whatever needs to be released. Afterward, people usually report having more energy, clarity, ability to focus, and feeling peaceful and calm.

As additional support, I offer these general suggestions for helping to balance your body and your energy -

 Body Support

  • Epsom Salt baths: Helps detox the body, relieves joint pain, and is a good natural source of magnesium.  Add 2 cups to bath water. Soak for a minimum of 20 minutes.

  • Saunas: FAR infrared are best, but any will do. Sweating is a natural detox.

  • Peppermint essential oil: Peppermint oil is a natural headache reducer and anti-nausea agent. Smell it, dilute it in a carrier oil/lotion and rub it on temples or use for self-massage.

  • Hot water bottle or heat pack: Heat can be helpful to use on the back of the neck for headaches. You can also place on the abdomen for stomach or digestive upset.

  • Castor oil packs: Helps with liver detox.

  • Dry Skin Brushing: Using a natural bristle brush (available in health food stores or online), on your skin a few minutes before your shower or bath, brushing with gentle strokes, helps to relieve​ lymphatic congestion. Avoid areas with broken skin or cuts or wounds.  Here's a link to a 10-minute youtube video demonstration.

  • Hot/cold showers: When showering, alternate with hot and cold water, starting with hot and ending with cold. This helps improve circulation and stimulates the immune system.

  •  Kneipp foot baths are also helpful. Use two foot buckets or Rubbermaid containers that will fit your feet – 1 with warm water, ~ 93-100 degrees, and 1 with cold water, ~ 45-55 degrees. Start by submerging both feet into the warm water and allowing them to soak for about three to five minutes. Follow by submerging both feet in the cold water for about 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat the process several times, from hot to cold, being sure to end your foot bath session in the cold water. Follow up by thoroughly drying your legs and feet, applying lotion to both feet (optional), and covering up with socks. 

Food and Drink

  • Lemon water: Lemon is naturally alkalizing and detoxifying; 1 tsp. in 8oz. purified water

  • Kombucha: Contains probiotics and enzymes.

  • Activated Charcoal: Helps absorb and remove toxins. Take as directed.

  • Dandelion Root Tea: Helps the gallbladder increase bile flow, and encourages liver detox. 3-5 cups per day.

  • Peppermint tea: Helps with digestion and nausea. As needed.

  • Eat easy-to-digest, alkaline foods: Eat alkaline vegetables, low-sugar fruits, broths, and fish, all prepared simply.  An alkaline environment is unfriendly to yeast and bacteria, and easy-to-digest foods will allow your body's energy to assist with detoxification.

  • Eat naturally antimicrobial foods: Herbs and spices - rosemary, sage, basil, oregano, thyme, cardamom, and clove. Fruits and vegetables - guava, pepper, cabbage, garlic, and onion, citrus. Seeds and leaves - grape seeds, fennel, nutmeg, and parsley.

  • No caffeine: Caffeine is stimulating - keep your nervous system calm with herbal teas like chamomile. 

  • No sugar: Sugar is inflammatory, which will irritate any symptoms you already have. Yeast and bacteria also feed on sugar, so consuming it allows them to reproduce.


 Energetic Support

  • Breathwork: Breathe deeply, into your abdomen. Imagine positive, healing energy filling every cell of your body with each inhale, and imagine toxic and hurtful energy, emotion, and pain being pushed out with every exhale.  Breathe in for a count of 8, hold for a count of 4, breathe out for a count of 8, and hold for a count of 4. Repeat as necessary.

  • Meditation: Meditation is a healing, strengthening, and grounding practice. It helps you to connect to the present moment and reduce the amount of mental chatter, allowing for relaxing energy to flow. There are many free apps available online.

  • Visualization: As you inhale, visualize yourself bathed in a protective white light, with a golden ball of light at the base of your spine warming your core, and visualize anything non-beneficial being released with each exhale. More visualization techniques can be found online.

  • Repetition of strengthening affirmations: Use any reassuring and uplifting affirmations that inspire you. Repeat, using emphasis, as often as appropriate. Louise Hay has daily affirmations and more on her website.

  • Grounding: When possible, spend some time walking barefoot outside in the grass after your session. The earth will help pull excess energy out of the body and also allow the body to draw in the earth's energy, allowing for electromagnetic balance.

  • Expanding Your Awareness: Becoming more well-balanced usually requires a change in perception and/or action of some kind or another. Simply becoming more aware of our habitual subconscious behaviors, becoming more aware of ourselves from the place of “the witness,” broadens the trajectory of our life possibilities; and from that place we become more free to choose healthy and self-supporting behaviors.